Are you considering a New Venture?



Your most important decisions will be made before you sign the deal – make sure you have all the facts in advance prepared by independent specialists – acting for you.

Burghley Accountancy’s many years experience, in particular in the Licensed Trade, will help you through the initial stages. How much help you need will depend on your own experience but you may need any or all of the following:

Financial Reports

You may need a full Business Plan or Profit and Loss and Cash Flow projections. You may have accounts from the Vendor or barrelage figures from the Brewery – we can help interpret these and turn them into meaningful figures to help you assess the viability of the project. Our aim is to help you assess whether the business will be financially viable and suit your circumstances.


We can advise on issues such as Finance and Lending, Insurance and some aspects of your contractual obligations etc. We have a checklist of items to agree leading up to the completion day and on the day itself.

Structure of the Business

You may need to consider whether to operate as a sole-trader, Partnership or Limited Company and to agree the most appropriate year-end. You will probably need to register for VAT, tax, National Insurance and to set up a payroll scheme.

We can arrange all of this for you and give you the advice you need to make the right decisions to suit your business and personal circumstances. Making the right decisions at the outset could save thousands later.

Overall, our aim is to make sure you have considered all the main issues prior to starting the business.

Four hands holding wrists in office
Pint being poured in bar

Licensed Trade

Most Owners and Landlords will be free to appoint their own Accountants but there are some restrictions:


Lessees are normally free to appoint their own Accountants but some Pub Groups may have a nominated Accountant. If this is the case, you will still be able to appoint us but will need to agree this with the Pub Group at your interview. Generally, the Pub Groups want to ensure that you are using recognised Trade Specialists who will provide you with the service levels you require.


Some tenants are tied for their Accountancy Service for their probationary period, usually the first year. If you are tied, then after the first year, we would be pleased to provide a quotation for our comprehensive service or to look at a tailor-made package to suit your circumstances.


Often, franchisees are tied throughout.
We can guarantee an independent service which is friendly and professional at a competitive, all-inclusive price.