

Send through your hours each week by any of the following methods:

  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Text

…and we’ll take care of:

  • Payslips
  • Weekly/Monthly Summaries
  • End of Year Returns
  • P11Ds
  • SSP
  • SMP
  • Working Family Tax Credits
  • Student Loans
  • Holiday Pay
  • P46s
  • All Inland Revenue Correspondence

We can also set up pension schemes for the business and ensure that all of the compliance aspects of the pension scheme are adhered to.

Watch face
Accountant at desk

Regular Accounts

We prepare:

  • Full Annual Accounts
  • Full Management Accounts as required

The management accounts are normally prepared monthly or quarterly, but can also be prepared on the 4 week, 4 week, 5 week basis.

Whilst referring to these as management accounts, we aim to prepare these to the same standards as year-end accounts for the following reasons:

  • To give a clear indication of the business performance
  • To give a clear indication of profits for tax planning

Included in the management accounts for the Licensed Trade are separate trading accounts for both “wet” and “dry” so that the business can monitor its gross profit levels on a regular basis.

For Limited companies, we prepare Full Statutory Accounts together with an abridged set for filing at Companies House.


Based on the information sent through to us, we aim to prepare the following:

  • A detailed set of working papers giving a full analysis of each area of Income and Expenditure
  • A detailed VAT account and summaries
  • Fully reconciled bank accounts
  • A fully reconciled cash Account

As we process the paperwork, we fully analyse each invoice and allocate the expenditure to its appropriate heading in the accounts. It is from this analysis that we are then able to build up accurate gross profit percentages and accounts as the year progresses.

Xero logo
All of our in-house book keeping is done on Xero which you are able to view at any time.
Hubdoc logo
We also use Hubdoc to store all of your accounting records. Hubdoc has the benefit of an app for your phone which enables you to send us electronic copies of invoices and receipts.
Stack of paperwork


We have highly experienced stocktakers who we can recommend.

They will provide all stocktaking requirements:

  • Wet Stock
  • Food Stock
  • Holiday Reliefs
  • Changeover Stocks
  • Full Sales Statistics, and analysis enabling you to maximise your profits


We provide a full taxation service including:

  • Self-assessment Tax Returns for the sole-trader, partners or directors
  • Corporation Tax Returns for Limited Companies
  • Dealing with routine Revenue correspondence
  • Advising how much to pay and when.

Our tax planning services include:

  • Planning future taxes and recommending savings levels
  • Planning salary and dividend levels for Limited Companies
  • Keeping our Clients up-to-date with tax changes and how these may affect the business.

Tax Investigations

As technology improves, the Revenue is spending less time on data input and more on reviewing the information filed. More resources are being given to Inspectors to check certain Tax Returns and cash businesses have always been targeted.

Tax Investigation Insurance

We are not able to cover the cost of a tax investigation within the routine charges, but are able to take out insurance to cover our fees. Further details are available on request.

Capital Gains Tax

We provide a full capital gains tax service on the sale of your business.
Five pound note
Tax neon sign


We prepare a full set of VAT working papers each quarter based on the paperwork sent in to us.

From this, we are able to prepare your VAT Return and send this out to you each quarter for signature and payment.

We will also ensure that the records kept are MTD (Making Tax Digital) compliant.

VAT Inspections

If you have a routine VAT Inspection, we shall attend the initial meeting with the VAT officer and present the books and records etc.

There is no extra charge for this service.

VAT Investigations & Disputes

We are not able to include the cost of a VAT investigation or dispute within the routine charges but Tax Investigation Insurance is included in your monthly fees to cover this.

FREE Consultation

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